Special Sessions

Computational Optimization


M. C. Sánchez-Gíl


This special session is dedicated to different sort of optimization problems. It covers a wide range of topics in optimization such as: computational methods and generalised convex optimisation techniques, large scale optimization, unconstrained and constrained optimization, stochastic optimization, multiobjective optimization, linear programming and network optimization.

Decision-Making under Uncertainty and Data Mining


M. Angel Sordo and Antonio Arriaza-Gomez


This special session put together different talks dealing with problems of decision-making under uncertainty and data mining.  Particular topics to talk about are: choice of optimal financial and insurance portfolios under risk uncertainty,   tail behaviour and tail shape of probability distributions,  hidden patterns of knowledge in large databases and bayesian inference in statistical analysis.

Evolutionary computation, metaheuristics, and machine learning


Bernabé Dorronsoro and Patricia Ruiz


The topic of this special session is the resolution of complex problems using computational intelligence techniques. Some techniques of interest are machine learning, evolutionary computation, and other metaheuristics to solve complex (discrete, continuous, or multi-objective) problems from different domains as telecommunications, engineering, bioinformatics, logistics, or scheduling, just to name a few.

Generalized Convexity and Fuzzy Or Interval-Valued Applications


Gabriel Ruiz-Garzón, Rafaela Osuna-Gómez and Beatriz Hernández-Jiménez


It is known that imposing the uncertainty upon the conventional optimization problems is categorized as the stochastic optimization problems, and the imprecision occurring in the optimization problems is categorized as the interval optimization problems.

The interval-valued optimization problems may provide an alternative choice for considering the uncertainty into the optimization problems. In fuzzy context, the study of generalized convex fuzzy mapping and its connection with fuzzy optimization has been studied in literature. Some authors studied the problem of the fuzzy convex programming for convex continuous fuzzy mapping and they presented an iterative method of solving the optimization problems.

Soft computing is the name of a methodologies set (based on ideas inspired by biology, psychology, and linguistics) seeking solutions to such problems characterized by the need to interact efficiently with complex systems where information there is insufficient. In addition, soft computing methods can be used to model, analyze, and control complex systems.

In this session we consider interval-valued functions or fuzzy problems. Optimality conditions and topics related with them like generalized convexity notions or other ones are welcome. Also soft computing methods are welcome.

Graded Algebras and Algebras Admitting Multiplicative Bases


Antonio J. Calderon Martin


A given basis B of a linear space V, endowed with a multiplication, is said to be multiplicative if the product between two elements  of B is another element of B (maybe up to an scalar product). We say that V is an algebra admitting  B as multiplicative basis. This is also an example of a graded algebra. The present special session is devoted to the study of group-graded algebras, set-graded algebras, algebras with multiplicative bases and in general any kind of algebraic structure with some type of grading.


Software Verification and Validation


Inmaculada Medina Bulo


This special session is devoted to Software Verification and Validation, including software testing. In Software Engineering, Verification and Validation is a key process aiming to ensure that software both meets its specification and fulfills its intended purpose. Methods subject to active research in this area include mutation testing, metamorphic testing, invariant generation, formal verification, etc.